We are proud to be hosting our biennial conference – COMPASS: By the Stars and excited about the line-up of Plenary speakers and Session presenters from around the world. We have kept registration fees low so that everyone can attend this year. All of our Keynote speakers are highly regarded in their field and this is the first time that each one will be speaking at COMPASS. Please take advantage of these great speakers and register today!
One of the good things about this crazy pandemic is the two free programs we launched last year, Coffee & Conversation and Beer & Banter.
If we were able to meet in person, we’d be having coffee with our colleagues in the morning, and grabbing a drink after sessions. We can’t be together in person – but we are bringing you the opportunity to meet in one of our virtual cafes during COMPASS. Everyone is welcome.
Check out our morning Coffee & Conversation or after work Beer & Banter sessions. Both are free and fun – so I urge you to join us! Read more…
We are thrilled to have Dave Kelly back to host our Generosity of Spirit™ awards luncheon on Tuesday May 18th – the second day of the conference. Many of you will remember Dave’s interviews with our past honourees at the BMO Centre. Dave will be interviewing all of our recipients in our virtual luncheon hall. Our caterers, Great Events will be providing a delicious three-course lunch so you can enjoy a lovely lunch while you sit back and watch a great hour of conversations from eight incredible individuals and companies who have helped make this world, and our city in particular, a better place.
Part of the awards luncheon will include the Hazel Gillespie Community Investment Leadership Award recipient – Joanne Manser, Senior Advisor, Suncor Community Investment and Suncor Energy Foundation. AFP Calgary & Area Chapter has partnered with the Calgary Community Investment Council in celebrating their industry award recipients since its inception in 2009. Congratulations to Joanne, a well-deserved honour. Joanne worked with Hazel Gillespie, so this is a very touching occasion in memory of a very special person.
What’s Next?
June is time for our Annual General Meeting (AGM) tentatively scheduled for June 24th and we have a great program ready for you. If you are interested in joining our Board of Directors, or volunteering on one of our committees please contact Kara Tersen in our Chapter office at [email protected] or by phone at 403.297.1033. We welcome all members to engage and participate in making your chapter vibrant and relevant for all.
As you know, Calgary will be holding a municipal election this fall. To help members of the non-profit sector learn about the candidates and their position on the sector, your Chapter will be hosting a mayoral candidate’s Town Hall in July. Stay tuned to your email and social media for details on who will be participating. The tentative date is July 6 – it will be an after-work event, so please mark your calendars.