About AFP Calgary & Area

For 30 years, AFP Calgary & Area chapter has been the standard-bearer for professionalism in fundraising. Through our international organization, AFP Global and AFP Canada, we continue to educate, engage and join together with colleagues to build our non-profit sector and serve our communities effectively and efficiently through ethical best practices. Our Vision, Mission and Guiding principles were approved by our board on May 28, 2024. Learn more about AFP, its activities and people, and how you can be involved.

Our Vision:

Shaping the future of ethical fundraising of our non-profit community


Empowering individuals and our community to inspire generosity and positive social good through extraordinary initiatives, innovative leadership, and sustainable growth

Fundraising Support
When You Need It Most

AFP membership and support from the fundraising community is essential to any fundraiser, even in the best of times. But in the toughest of times, AFP membership is CRITICAL.


  1. You need to stay at the top of your fundraising game.
    As an AFP member, you’ll have access to resources and tools created by and compiled from top fundraisers from around the world.

  2. You need custom solutions to your unique challenges.
    AFP’s breadth of experience and diversity allows you to hear different perspectives from experienced fundraisers.

  3. You need to connect with fellow fundraisers.
    It’s important to reach out directly to your colleagues—for advice, tips and reassurance you need during these challenging times. Through local chapters, mentor programs and the acclaimed online forum AFP Connect, AFP is YOUR community that allows you to discuss and share with colleagues around the world or around the block.

  4. You need guidance on the latest government policies and ethical fundraising practice.
    AFP offers leadership that advances the profession, such as supporting legislation and ensures that ethics remain at the forefront of fundraising.

AFP’s Guiding Principles

Guiding Principles:

Ethics and Trust. As champions of ethical fundraising, fundraising professionals work to increase public trust in charitable giving. We are accountable to donors and their organizations to perform to the highest standards. We practice courage and integrity in the stewardship of private and public resources.

Professional Preparation. Fundraising professionals are prepared to serve as leaders and mentors within and on behalf of our organizations. We embrace continuing education and credentialing as pathways to advance in all stages of our professional careers. We use knowledge and skills to strengthen our organizations and communities. We understand, promote and share best practices to use and grow the fundraising body of knowledge.

Advancing Philanthropy. Fundraising professionals are leaders in developing a culture of philanthropy within our organizations and communities. We train staff, boards and volunteers in ethical and effective fundraising practices. We work across organizations and nations to advance positive social good.

Inclusivity. Fundraising professionals reflect the diversity of the communities we serve. We work to address the needs of a diverse society. We welcome and support a diversity of individuals and offer pathways for them to succeed.

Partnership and Collaboration. Fundraising professionals are trusted partners with donors in achieving social good. We collaborate locally and globally with other organizations around shared priorities. We work effectively with decision makers in government and business to achieve shared objectives through philanthropy.

Creativity and Innovation. Fundraising professionals stimulate giving through innovative practices and solutions. We imagine and research new ways to connect with donors and achieve results. We share effective ideas and techniques to promote success across the philanthropic sector. 

Calgary Chapter

Mailing Address:
PO Box 46052 Inglewood RPO
Calgary, AB T2G 5H7
Phone: (403) 297-1033
E-Mail: info@afpcalgary.com

Canada Office

675 King Street West, Suite 203
Toronto, ON M5V 1M9
Phone: 416/941-9212
Email: afpadmin@afptoronto.org

AFP Global

4300 Wilson Blvd, Suite 300, Arlington, VA 22203
Toll Free 800/666-3863
Phone 703/684-0410
Fax 703/684-1950
Direct Line 703/519-8(ext)
Email: afp@afpglobal.org

Guidance. Experience. Community. Leadership.

This is what AFP offers to fundraisers of every cause, of every specialty, of every experience level.
Stay connected to the largest association of professional fundraisers in the world.

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AFP Calgary & Area Chapter