Freedom to Care Website

From Ron Orr, Minister of Culture (Alberta)

On September 1, 2021, I was pleased to announce the launch of the Freedom to Care website as a key component in implementation of the Freedom to Care Act.

The Freedom to Care Act will help nonprofit organizations overcome regulatory barriers to provide service to meet the needs of Albertans. The Act also ensures protection from liability for volunteers acting in good faith within the scope of their volunteer duties, and who are not negligent or impaired in the performance of those duties.

The Freedom to Care website will serve as a central online source of valuable information. Along with an inventory of existing regulatory exemptions, the website offers a wealth of online and downloadable resources to help Alberta’s nonprofit organizations and volunteers better understand and navigate Alberta’s regulatory and insurance landscape as it relates to the nonprofit and charitable sector. 

I am pleased to share with you the news that the Insurance Toolkit for the Voluntary Sector: A guide for non-profits and charities has been updated and included as a resource on the Freedom to Care website. 

Working with the Calgary Chamber of Voluntary Organizations, Volunteer Alberta and the Insurance Bureau of Canada, we have updated the toolkit with the most recent information on the Freedom to Care Act, types of insurance coverage, and tips on topics such as evaluating an insurance quote and managing an insurance program. The toolkit also includes an Insurance Primer for Board Members and a handy glossary of insurance terms. Download the toolkit at

We will continue to update the website with timely, relevant information as it becomes available and invite you to check back regularly for new additions. 


Ron Orr

Minister of Culture

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