AFP Calgary & Area is dedicated to providing relevant professional development opportunities to its members. As part of this, our chapter offers an annual conference alternating between Calgary Compass and Banff Compass.

CALGARY COMPASS: Ch,ch, ch, Changes!

Yes, David Bowie said it all. Turn and face the change. We’ve all lived through one of the most challenging events of our lifetime. And oh how things have changed. Let’s gather to learn and share our experiences, research and knowledge on the future of philanthropy as we call it…

The Changing Realities in Fund Development

Visit the event website at: www.afpcompass.ca for more specific event information


past sponsors to Compass by the Stars – VIRTUAL

Presenting Sponsor

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Awards Luncheon Sponsor

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Digital Event Sponsor

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Nutrition Break Sponsor

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Points of the Compass Sponsor

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Capacity Building Sponsor

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Education Sponsor



Has there ever been a more challenging time for fundraising professionals? As we look ahead to the future – at incoming generations, shifts in giving vehicles, turbulent economic and political landscapes – what do all of these changes mean and how do we learn the new rules of philanthropy?

As we prepare to navigate the complexities impacting our sector – are we ready? 

The fundraising world is changing. Don’t be left behind. It’s time to invest in new strategies and skill sets.

Let’s take a breath and re-boot. In the majestic Rocky Mountains of Banff, we’ll connect with new ideas and approaches. We’ll find inspiration and acquire valuable insights and actionable tactics. We’ll return home refreshed, rejuvenated and ready to tackle the future.

Banff Compass is about more than simply staying afloat amid uncertain times. It’s about taking action, learning from one another and discovering the strategies we need to thrive in these changing times.

Fundraising is becoming more complex, multifaceted, and data-driven.

Smart non-profits of all sizes are building their expertise and making use of the new digital and social tools to build causes and support.  It’s worth the investment to give you and your staff professional training and education. 

Whatever your stage of career – whether you’re a seasoned fundraising professional or brand new to the field – you’ll want to be part of the conversation that impacts your organization, donors and community.

My first introduction to AFP Calgary was through Banff Compass. I was blown away by the level of professionalism and learning that I received through that event.

ron smith, afp chapter board member and treasurer


Calgary Compass is a bi-annual one day workshop designed to provide affordable professional development for members of AFP Calgary and Area chapter, along with other stakeholders within the not-for-profit sector.

 In 2018, we looked at Disruptive Philanthropy in a changing world. We know that our economy, our sector, industry, and demographics are changing rapidly. This one day conference will bring together nationally and internationally acclaimed leaders in the field of philanthropy, corporate and community engagement, and economic development. We will look at how our sector can survive and even thrive in a challenging climate. Learning to build and leverage productive partnerships, and innovate for a bright future together. 

Along with our full day of sessions, there will be a two-hour conversation building on the Calgary Compass theme of Disruptive Philanthropy. A 30-minute panel discussion will kick-off your generative small group conversations about Disruptive Innovation – a Corporate-Community Imperative. At this session, participants will explore and develop some new ways of working and collaborating in our disruptive, ever-changing world of community building. (And we’ll serve lunch).

This year’s conference promises to push boundaries, inspire discussion, and create new opportunities for collaboration to grow both the for-profit, and not-for-profit sectors.

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AFP Calgary & Area Chapter