The GOS Outstanding Corporate Supporter award is open to any large business with over 100 full-time equivalent (FTE) employees. Please note that Sponsorship or Cause Marketing will not be considered for this award. The nominee must not have received the award in the past five years. A full list of past honourees is on our website. There are corporations that have won the award twice, so don’t be swayed if your donor has received the award previously.
Award Information
To assist with your nomination, we have prepared a Guidebook that provides all the information you need to complete the nomination. You can download this document here:
As part of the nomination package, your Nominee MUST review and sign the Nominee Disclaimer form, either on paper (then scan and upload as a pdf) or sign electronically and upload the signed form as a pdf. The Nominee(s)’s signature is found on page 3, aT the end of the form. You can download this form here:
Please note that the online form below, can be saved and a link will be sent to you to resume editing when you select “SAVE AND CONTINUE LATER”. Be sure to enter your email address to ensure you receive this link. The nomination form consists of 3 pages/sections: 1) Contact information for Nominator(s) and Nominee; 2) Nomination questions; and 3) Checklist and confirmation required before submitting your nomination,