Prospect Research and Return on Investment with Guy Mallabone and Dr. Igor Osipov

Fort Calgary 750 9 Avenue SE, Calgary, AL, Canada

Prospect Research and Return on Investment: How you can demonstrate strong R.O.I. to your organization through utilization of prospect research Jointly presented by Guy Mallabone, CFRE, CEO & President and Dr. Igor Osipov, Vice President, Knowledge Creation, Global Philanthropic Inc.

$25.00 – $40.00

Beer & Banter – November 10

Fort Calgary 750 9 Avenue SE, Calgary, AL, Canada

Let's Talk Certification! Dear CFREs: Wednesday, November 10 is time for Beer and Banter and the topic is How Does the CFRE Credential Impact Your Career. If we’re being honest, we’ve all traded on those four little letters at some


2021 National Philanthropy Day and Generosity of Spirit Awards Luncheon

Fort Calgary 750 9 Avenue SE, Calgary, AL, Canada

2021 National Philanthropy Day® Luncheon and Generosity of Spirit™ Awards: TICKETS NOW AVAILABLE Celebrating our 25th year of National Philanthropy Day® The 2021 Generosity of Spirit™ Luncheon will be a memorable year  National Philanthropy Day® (NPD) is a celebration of

Fundamentals of Fundraising (Fall 2021) – RESCHEDULED NOVEMBER 2021

Fort Calgary 750 9 Avenue SE, Calgary, AL, Canada

Fundamentals of Fundraising (Fall 2021) - VIRTUAL This course will be held virtually, using the Zoom platform, over four half days: November 19  9:00 am to 1:00 pm November 20  9:00 am to 1:00 pm November 26  9:00 am to

$390.00 – $490.00
AFP Calgary & Area Chapter