2020 Generosity of SpiritTM Awards

One of our core values as a company has always been to give back. When a small business is held up by its community, it’s being given the opportunity to fulfill its purpose (and for the owners to see their dream come to fruition). We have always felt a responsibility to lift up the community in the same way it lifts us up. A rising tide lifts all boats.

In the beginning we donated a portion of all sales and have given to many charities through silent auction and sock contributions. Fast forward to the beginning of 2020 and the beginning of the pandemic. The realities of Covid started to settle in. With so many small businesses at risk, including our own, how could we help? The thought of our community’s most vulnerable not being able to access the basic essentials? We knew we had to do something. So, we got to work designing a pandemic-inspired sock design with 100% profits going to the Calgary Food Bank. In under two months we were able to raise over $41,000 with a large portion of that going to The Calgary Food Bank, and the remainder going to Food Banks Canada.

It feels strange being nominated for something we genuinely love to do, but our hope is that it inspires other small businesses to do the same. Together we can make powerful change.

Adam, Friday Sock Co.

Nominated by the Calgary Food Bank

In March 2020, the pandemic took hold of the world and our city. Adam Thompson, founder of The Friday Sock Co. decided he wanted to do something to support his local community. He created a pair of socks and wanted 100% of the proceeds to go to the Calgary Food Bank and Food Banks Canada. Through the sales of his COVID-19 sock design he was able to donate $39,043 to the Calgary Food Bank.

The impact of their support is incredible. For every $1 donated to the Calgary Food Bank we are able to distribute $5 worth of food. With the generous donation from The Friday Sock Co. we are able to distribute $195,215 worth of food to Calgarians in need. This amount to 617 families of four or 903 individuals. Adam and The Friday Sock Co. are small business leaders in Calgary. They support many charities, big and small and truly make an incredible impact in their community.

Prior to the COVID 19 outbreak The Friday Sock Co. had given over $15,000 in donations, and over $20,000 in socks. They are a local treasure here in Calgary supporting many Charites, as well as collaborating with other businesses to help raise each other up. The Friday Sock Co. truly stands for community and we are grateful to be among those supported by them.

In a time when so many small businesses are struggling to keep their doors open The Friday Sock Co. has gone above and beyond to support the Community and the Calgary Food Bank. The Friday Sock Co. truly embodies the spirit that is celebrated through the National Philanthropy Day and we are so excited to celebrate them for the Outstanding Small Business Philanthropist Award, because they are truly ‘outstanding’.

Friday Sock Co.: Outstanding Small Business Philanthropist

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