Generosity of Spirit™ and Professional Award 2023 Recipients
AFP Calgary and Area Chapter recognizes the many individuals, families, groups and businesses who demonstrate the spirit of philanthropy through outstanding contributions of time, talent, leadership and financial support. The Generosity of Spirit™ Awards provides the opportunity to acknowledge and celebrate these philanthropic leaders that make a difference in our community – whether the community is local, regional, national or international.
Generosity of Spirit™ Awards are a vital component to the National Philanthropy Day® celebrations in Calgary & southern Alberta. This day provides an opportunity for non-profit organizations, professionals, volunteers, service organizations and others in the community to acknowledge and showcase their philanthropic partners.
Doc Seaman Individual Philanthropist presented by The Calgary Foundation
Barbara Ann Palmer
nominated by Discovery House & Alberta Ballet
Philanthropic Group
Calgary Flames Foundation
nominated by Kids Cancer Care & Brown Bagging for Calgary Kids
Lifetime Achievement Philanthropist
Esmail Bharwani
nominated by Athabasca University & Bow Valley College